The psychology
of success
Leadership consulting, organisational strategy and design
LifeWork partners with organisations and individuals to design human-centred strategies for success - now and in the future. Because the wellbeing of your people is essential to the success of your business, and the success of your business is essential to the wellbeing of your people.
It’s a balance, it’s an ongoing process, and when you get it right, it’s a beautiful thing.
At your service
Executive coaching
Despite a person’s capabilities, anyone can fail to achieve full-powered performance without the right intervention from time-to-time. We provide objective, third-party expertise to enable your c-suite and other key people to optimise their professional impact, and wellbeing.
Culture insight
Evaluate cultural norms and collective trends across your teams, groups or entire organisation to identify the current state of play and areas ripe for reform or improvement. Craft a culture that aligns to your commercial goals and organisational purpose, and speaks to your core values.
Developing leaders
Great leadership is instrumental within a high performing organisation. Leaders both consciously and inadvertently set culture which cascades through teams and whole organisations, so it’s crucial to equip them with the skills and capabilities to get this right, for the sake of everyone.
Team performance
People are complicated enough on their own, let alone throwing a bunch of them together and expecting great things. Help your teams achieve greater harmony and agility as a high performing unit by enhancing trust, communication, collaboration, psychological safety, workflow management, or accountability.
Talent selection
When you hire someone, you’re making a big commitment. It takes careful analysis to make sure you’re taking the right step together and are going to be a great fit for one-another. Let us help you identify who you really need, and craft a high-impact selection process to ensure you have a bright future together.
Board support
When it comes to great governance and organisational performance, Boards are often at the mercy of poorly-conceptualised HR strategies or out-dated human capital practices. We are the Board’s HR partner; enabling your people to reliably deliver against critical board initiatives and strategic objectives.

Harness organisational psychology for the better of your business
Kickstart your strategy for success with a LifeWork Workshop, designed to impact the issues most pressing to your unique business. Our Workshops are crafted to get to the crux of your challenges, simplify the science and arm individuals with the skills required to work better, together.
Meet Emily Rust
The organisational psychologist behind LifeWork.
I believe that the most essential work you will do in life is work on yourself, the spaces you occupy and the people you influence. Which is why my passion is helping organisations and the people within sidestep complacency and strive for better.
This requires a decent dose of courage and creativity, the ability to create clarity from complexity and an actionable plan that takes your stakeholders along for the journey.